In a world often obsessed with societal ideals of beauty, the concept of body neutrality has emerged as a refreshing approach to self and body acceptance.

The concept of Body neutrality changed the way I saw myself, because it focused on the bodies function rather than its appearance.   It was only when I realized I could question the traditional narratives surrounding body image, that I was able to accept a new way of thinking about it.  I write all about my journey towards self-acceptance through body neutrality in my best selling book The Body Joyful, My journey from self-loathing to self-acceptance. 

Understanding Body Neutrality:

Body neutrality is a paradigm shift that encourages individuals to focus less on the appearance of their bodies and more on what their bodies can do for them. It transcends the conventional notions of positive and negative body image and advocates for a neutral stance. Because of this, we are able to acknowledge the body as a vessel or vehicle for experiences rather than an object of judgment.

Body neutrality emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, mindfulness, and self-care.

It inspires you to redefine the relationship you have with your body by encouraging a shift from self and body criticism to body acceptance and appreciation.

Let’s dive into the transformative power of body neutrality and explore 12 tips to cultivate a more neutral, confident, and self-caring relationship with our bodies.

12 Tips for Practicing Body Neutrality:

  1. Mindful Self-Reflection:   Take a moment to reflect on your thoughts and feelings about your body. Identify any negative self-talk and replace it with neutral or positive observations. Become aware of your inner dialogue and actively move to challenge harmful beliefs, through shifting your self talk. (see number 4)
  2. Gratitude for Your Body’s Abilities: Shift your focus from appearance to functionality. Express gratitude for the incredible things your body allows you to do, whether it’s dancing, walking, or simply breathing. Recognizing the capabilities of your body is a cornerstone of body neutrality.
  3. Dress for Comfort and Expression: Choose clothing that makes you feel comfortable and expresses your personality. Wearing clothes that feel tight and uncomfortable only exacerbates negative feelings around the body.  Embrace your own personal style as a means of celebrating individuality and detaching from societal beauty standards.
  4. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the kindness you would offer a friend. If negative thoughts arise, respond with self-compassion.  Validate your feelings. Talk to yourself in a positive supportive and encouraging voice. Use a calm tone, and listen to Self-Talk Plus.  Flood your brain with more neutral, supportive and encouraging words and phrases. This will help you develop a nurturing and understanding relationship with yourself.
  5. Challenge Beauty Standards: Consciously question and challenge societal beauty standards. You are the only you. Period. Choose to redefine beauty on your own terms, by celebrating diversity and uniqueness rather than conforming to the external expectations of others.
  6. Media Literacy: Be mindful of the media you consume. It is important to curate your media ‘diet’. Does your social media feed promote body diversity, positivity and neutrality? Delete, block and unsubscribe to anything that contributes to you feeling bad about yourself or your body and add feeds that fill you up!  Ones that make you feel good, inspire you, and help you to see yourself as the amazing, unique, one-of-a kind human that you are.
  7. Focus on Health and Well-Being: Shift your goals from achieving a certain appearance to prioritizing health and well-being. Listen closely to your body.  How does if feel when you eat certain foods or move in a particular way?  Choose to treat your body with respect, by paying attention and being mindful of its physical, mental, and emotional needs.
  8. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Engage with communities that promote body positivity and neutrality.  Decrease the time you spend with others who buy into society’s thin ideal and focus on diet culture’s allure. Create a supportive environment that values individuals for who they are rather than how they look.
  9. Intuitive Eating: Approach food with mindfulness and gratitude. Listen to your body’s cues.  Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are getting full. Savor the experience of nourishing yourself. It is important to break free from restrictive diets and embrace a balanced, intuitive and joyful approach to eating.
  10. Celebrate Non-Appearance Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements unrelated to appearance. Choose to highlight for yourself the importance of your accomplishments in various aspects of life.  This fosters a sense of self-confidence and self esteem that is unrelated to physical attributes.
  11. Incorporate Self-Care Practices: Integrate self-care into your routine, whether it’s through a soothing bath, writing in your journal, quiet time with a book, or a nature walk. Taking care of yourself is an essential component of nurturing a positive relationship with oneself
  12. Seek Professional Support: If negative body image persists, consider seeking support from a mental health professional.  Reach out to myself at anne@thebodyjoyful.com or a qualified body image professional.  I stand by the power of coaching or therapy to help navigate and transform a persons relationship with their bodies.


Body neutrality is a radical affirmation of self-worth that empowers you to embrace your body as unique, valuable, and worthy of acceptance.


There are a lot of things to think about as you begin a journey towards body neutrality.  I recommend starting with practicing one or two of the tips above.   This will help you begin to form a new and more neutral relationship with your body.  You are worth it.

Body Neutrality offers you a roadmap to self-acceptance, confidence, and self-care.

By adopting a more neutral perspective on your body, you can embark on a transformative journey toward a healthier, more confident, and self-caring relationship with yourself.

For a free copy of The Body Joyful-My journey from self-loathing to self-acceptance, email anne@thebodyjoyful.com and I will send along a digital copy for you.