Say No to Diets. Reject Society’s Thin Ideal. Heal from Diet Culture.

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5 secrets to food freedom & body confidence without restrictions.


Does Intuitive Eating Work?

Does Intuitive Eating Work?

"Does intuitive eating work?" As I work with women who struggle with food, weight, eating, and body image, this is a question that keeps coming up. Simply put, intuitive eating is an evidence-based technique that involves listening closely to your body’s physiological...

What the Heck is Intuitive Eating Anyway?

What the Heck is Intuitive Eating Anyway?

When I mentioned to a neighbor the other day that I was a Certified Intuitive Eating Coach, her eyes lit up a bit. She responded, “Oh yeah? I just started hearing about that all over. It sounds to me like it's just an eating free-for-all. I heard that you just ask...

The Power of Gratitude: Why This is the Year For It

The Power of Gratitude: Why This is the Year For It

We often hear the phrase “the power of gratitude”. But do you know exactly what that power is? Once you do, you’ll be eager to harness that power for yourself and see how it can change your life.  The power of gratitude. Maybe you've heard your friends tell you about...

What’s the Real Cost of Dieting?

What’s the Real Cost of Dieting?

What's the real cost of dieting? Yes, there's a monetary price we pay. But it goes way beyond that. I was sitting on the couch in my living room, like I had so many times before. The girls (about 5 and 6 at the time) were playing on the floor. They asked me to play, I...

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others With These 5 Steps

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others With These 5 Steps

“Comparison is the death of joy.”  ― Mark Twain If you're constantly comparing yourself to others and their lives or their bodies...you're not alone.  Why are we constantly comparing ourselves to others?  According to social comparison theory, the drive to compare...

5 Steps to Body Neutrality

5 Steps to Body Neutrality

How do you feel about your body? How do you think you are “supposed” to feel about your body?   There is body hatred, body love, body positivity, body acceptance, body confidence, and more.  But today, we dive into body neutrality.     What is body neutrality? Well,...

Make Your 2020 Dreams Come True With a Destination Postcard

Make Your 2020 Dreams Come True With a Destination Postcard

An old client of mine used to send out a wonderful year-end holiday letter. It would always contain the adventures of her four-footed friends Timber and Josie, herself, and the states that she and her husband had “knocked off” their list.   You see, after they had...

Releasing Resolutions: The Release-O-lution

Releasing Resolutions: The Release-O-lution

Every January 1, it’s the same thing… “This year my resolutions are…(fill in the blank).”   For me, every year used to be about losing weight, eating healthier, not bingeing, fasting once a week, exercising more…yada yada… Needless to say, it never really worked. Just...

Dropping the Pursuit of Perfectionist Patty

Dropping the Pursuit of Perfectionist Patty

As the holidays approach, the need to get the perfect gift for mom or your best friend, worrying about saying the perfect thing to your boss, wearing the perfect outfit, making the perfect decision, or looking perfect at the family holiday party starts to invade our...

How to Build a Gratitude Toolbox

How to Build a Gratitude Toolbox

In our last blog, we talked about how being grateful can reduce stress. We also discussed how, in turn, this can have an impact on your weight, sleep quality, self-esteem and more.  In case you missed it, you can catch “How Saying Thank You Can Impact Your Weight”...

Get the Body Joyful Blueprint Guide

5 secrets to food freedom & body confidence without restrictions.