Say No to Diets. Reject Society’s Thin Ideal. Heal from Diet Culture.

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5 secrets to food freedom & body confidence without restrictions.


How to Practice Acceptance

How to Practice Acceptance

Last week we talked about how self-acceptance is possible.  In today's blog we talk about the overall practice of acceptance.  As we learn to allow and acknowledge different things about ourselves, we learn to be more accepting.     Acceptance is an action,...

Self-Acceptance IS Possible!

Self-Acceptance IS Possible!

From the book :The Body Joyful by Anne Poirier: “I stand naked in front of the full-length mirror in the dressing room.  Something familiar bubbles up from the knot in my stomach. Captain Criticism and her team begin to rally. The shame-storm and judgment jury are...

Silent night…Five ways to take a pause (during the holidays & beyond)

Silent night…Five ways to take a pause (during the holidays & beyond)

 “What is this life if, full of care,  We have no time to stand and stare.”    —W. H. Davies You wake up in the morning and off you go.  Shower, breakfast, walk the dog, get dressed, feed kids, answer emails, make appointments, do errands, go to work…The list of...

Why I’m done with Diet-Culture and you can be too.

Why I’m done with Diet-Culture and you can be too.

The entry stories into Diet-Culture are endless… “I was 10-years-old when my mother dragged me into my first Weight Watchers meeting” “My brother had cheese sandwiches and cookies for lunch, while I was given carrots and celery.” “The doctor told my mother I needed to...

15 Powerful Gratitude Prompts to Overcome Anxiety & Worry

15 Powerful Gratitude Prompts to Overcome Anxiety & Worry

Gratitude can reduce stress and in turn have an impact on your weight, sleep quality, self-esteem and more.  November is the perfect month to experiment with a practice of gratitude. The Holidays are upon us and stress tends to kick into high gear.  Are you stressed...

The Stress and Gratitude Connection

The Stress and Gratitude Connection

Stress has been at an all-time high during the past few months.  As I sit here and write this, there is uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring.  Thus, there will still be stress. Stress impacts our bodies in a multitude of ways. From fatigue, increased cravings and...

Learning to Live With (and eventually Love) Yourself!

Learning to Live With (and eventually Love) Yourself!

When I....Then I.... Ever think you will be happy if you lose those 10 pounds, quit that job or move to that city?  You are not alone!  I have a client who believes that she’s an okay person except for a few certain personality traits, such as anxiety and impatience....

3 Ways to Tackle the COVID-15 (or so) Weight Gain

3 Ways to Tackle the COVID-15 (or so) Weight Gain

For way too many years, women have been fully immersed and absorbed in Diet Mentality, Diet Culture, and Society’s Thin Ideal. It has been shoved down our throats from every direction we turn. The grocery store, radio, TV, movies, coffee shops, magazines and more. It...

How to (Finally) Love Your Body

How to (Finally) Love Your Body

Does it ever feel like no matter how much you try to love your body, so much of this world is designed to make sure you don't? We’ve all heard it: “Love the skin you’re in” “Appreciate your body for all the beautiful things it does for you” “Love yourself” While these...

Get the Body Joyful Blueprint Guide

5 secrets to food freedom & body confidence without restrictions.