Are you a notorious procrastinator when it comes to self-care? Do everybody else’s needs come before your own? By the end of each day, you have nothing left for yourself. Your own cup is empty because you’ve spent all your energy filling everyone else’s.

Over the past few months, we’ve all been navigating uncharted territory related to COVID-19. As many of us face unprecedented struggles–financial, social, or otherwise–self-care has gone out the window. Instead of focusing on caring for yourself, you’re just trying to keep your head above water. You’re thinking, “the LAST thing I have time or energy for is self-care.”

But here’s why you’re wrong.

The importance of self-care

Self-care isn’t just bubble baths and essential oils. It affects your mental, physical, and emotional health. And without those, you’re bound to struggle to get ANYTHING done.

I know it’s important for you to take care of the people around you. But if you don’t take care of yourself first, your capacity to do so is greatly diminished.

Think of it as one of those balance puzzles. On the left side is your own cup—your mental, physical, emotional, social health. On the right side is all of your other responsibilities.

If you only put coins on the right side, your cup will remain empty and your balance will be thrown off.

But putting coins on each side? That’s called stability.

So, what can you do to prioritize rather than procrastinate when it comes to self-care? Keep reading to find out!

Prioritize self-care

Make a schedule: If you’re like most people, sticking to a plan is easier when it’s included in your daily schedule. Writing something down makes you more likely to do it, including self-care! In fact, you’re more than 40% more likely to achieve something if you’ve written it down. So, next time you sit down to create your weekly schedule, include scheduled slots for self-care (I call these self-care pockets!)

Pick something you like to do: Just because your best friend does yoga to practice self-care doesn’t mean it’s right for you. If you’d rather do just about anything than spend time in a downward-facing dog, that’s just fine! Some other self-care ideas include gardening, reading, bubble baths, long walks, or playing with your pets. Looking for even more ideas? Take a look at how to create your own self-care toolbox in this post.

Don’t beat yourself up: If you’re not able to carve some time out for self-care one day, this doesn’t mean you should beat yourself up for it. As you can imagine, that’s actually the antithesis to self-care! Instead, schedule something for the next day and let today go.

Love yourself: Learning to love yourself might take a lifetime. But it’s a practice that’s worth its weight in gold. Many of us have been conditioned to speak negatively to ourselves. When we look into the mirror, we don’t see ourselves with love or grace. Instead, we look upon ourselves with anger, shame, or frustration. Incorporate positive self-talk into your self-care routine. This can take just 30 seconds of your day (time we ALL have!). Here are three steps for incorporating more positive self-talk into your life.

Self-Care: Prioritize, Don’t Procrastinate

A challenge for you

One of my favorite ways to tune into myself is through journaling.

Spending just five minutes a day journaling can boost your mood, reduce stress, improve your immune system, and build your self-confidence. Talk about a self-care powerhouse!

It’s an incredibly powerful practice with benefits that extend to many parts of life. It’s also a useful way to gather profound insight about your path. So, I challenge you to spend five minutes a day for the next week on journaling as part of your self-care practice.

Then, check-in with me and let me know what comes up for you!

In the meantime sign up for a free clarity conversation on creating a self-care routine, self-acceptance, food freedom, body confidence, and peace of mind.…and don’t find yourself thinking the same things this time next year! Click here to schedule yours today.

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