By now you’ve probably heard of intuitive eating. Maybe you have friends who have tried it, or perhaps it’s even something you practice yourself. But what does it take to truly master intuitive eating? Can it even be done?

Before we get to that, I want to make sure you’ve had a chance to read our previous posts about intuitive eating.

First, we covered the basics. We talked about what intuitive eating is, and what it isn’t (a diet). Next, we discussed if intuitive eating really works (Hint: it does! In fact, you can’t fail at it).

Finally, we discussed the NYSER method. I developed the NYSER method to help my clients tune into themselves with trust and respect. In turn, this allows them to notice their body’s true physical hunger, and then honor it by eating.

How to Master Intuitive Eating

All caught up? Great. Now, let’s dive into how to master intuitive eating.

Remember how we said you can’t fail at intuitive eating? That’s important to remember before we talk about mastering it. In fact, to master intuitive eating can mean different things to different people.

But mastering intuitive eating isn’t about reaching a number on the scale. Intuitive eating is a PRACTICE. It’s the practice of listening, honoring, respecting, and trusting yourself.

Intuitive eating is all about becoming more in tune with your body’s natural cues.

So many of us have become disconnected and distrusting of our own body’s signals (due to extensive diet history), especially around hunger and fullness. Our brains seem to have complete control over our bodies. Maybe they’re telling us we’re hungry when in fact we’re bored. Or tired. Or sad.

We may have entirely tuned out our own body’s messages about what it’s really needing or craving.

What Does it Mean to Master Intuitive Eating?

As we work to become more in tune with ourselves, we can become a master at intuitive eating. There isn’t necessarily a specific end goal, and it’s certainly not reaching a specific weight or body size.

But there are different tricks and tips to help you develop these tools. Whether you use just one, two, or a combination of several, here are some of the tools you can use to master intuitive eating.

The NYSER Method

I developed the NYSER Method to give my clients a quick way to remember the principles of intuitive eating and put them into practice.

You can use the NYSER acronym to tune in to your body’s natural cues.

N-Nourishment: Understanding the nourishing value of the food you eat for individual growth and health.

Y-Yumminess: The enjoyment and pleasure of the foods you eat.

S-Satisfaction: Feelings of satisfaction and comfort after eating.

E-Energy: Making sure you have enough energy for what’s coming up next in your day.

R-Reaction: Becoming aware of how the food you eat feels in your body after you eat it.

To read more about each letter of the acronym, click here.


Another way to strengthen your intuitive eating practice is by utilizing a journal. (It’s no secret we’re big fans of journaling over here at Shaping Perspectives)

Rather than using a food journal to track calories, try using one to track how you feel when you eat.

Over time you will begin to notice trends. Maybe you notice you feel more energetic after a big serving of fruit. Maybe your breakfast omelet with an extra egg helped keep you satiated for longer throughout the day.

As you record these trends in your journal, your mind will naturally begin to tune in to how you feel which will strengthen your intuitive eating practice.

Understand your relationship with food

We have developed all kinds of different relationships, beliefs, and attitudes around food. We eat because food is fuel, but it is also a pleasure. And we need to understand our relationship with food in order to strengthen our intuitive eating skills.

Visit this post for a list of questions (Is food love? Is food a reward? Is food the enemy?) to help you explore your own individual relationship with food.

Remember, intuitive eating is a practice. It’s a skill. The more you practice it, the better you’ll get. You’ve got this. And help is available!

Are you ready to talk more about eating intuitively? Click here for a free Body Joyful Breakthrough session.

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