What type of conversations go on inside your head?  Self-criticism?  Judgment of others?  Fear of failure?  Worry about what others are thinking about you?  You rock?  You got this?

How much time does your self-talk consume?  And is more of it positive or negative?

Believe it or not, research tells us that more than 80% of our self-talk is negative, AND 80-90% of that negative self-talk is repeated day after day.

What about you?  There have been studies that tell us 97% of women have an “I hate my body moment” day after day.  This leads to shame, self-criticism, doubt, guilt, comparison to others and more.

After decades of this kind of self-degrading talk, I finally chose NOT to live my life that way.

Over the last 7 years I have worked with and had conversations with hundreds of women who also have lived within the confines of their own heads. Imprisoned by their own thoughts.   Never feeling good enough, thin enough, smart enough, pretty enough etc.

And due to this,

We blame our bodies. 

The don’t look like they should. “If only I was thinner/smaller, had bigger/smaller boobs, had longer/thicker hair…then I would be happy, then I would be accepted, then I would be enough.”

These conversations and coaching sessions made me sad, angry and frustrated.  Why is it that we put ourselves, or others put us on diets at 10 years old?  Why do our mothers or fathers sent us away to “fat camp” for the summer, worried about how we appeared to others…or about our “health”?   Why do we continue to beat ourselves up for not “measuring up?”

It is because we have bought into a belief, that living in a smaller body would make us accepted, loved, enough, or “right”


Change the Conversation

It’s time to CHANGE THIS CONVERSATION.  Both with ourselves and others.  It is for this reason I wrote the book The Body Joyful, My journey from self-loathing to self-acceptance.  It was time to share my story, because the truth is, I kept hearing some rendition of this same story from hundreds of women. I wasn’t alone, and neither were they.

Healing yourself comes from validating your own stories and beliefs and then giving yourself permission to shift and change them.  In turn you begin to see yourself from a different perspective.


This is why I created…

The Body Joyful Revolution.  

The Body Joyful Revolution is a safe, non-judgmental gathering place for women of all sizes, shapes and weights, who are ready to get off the dieting band wagon, reject society’s thin ideal, reduce their degrading negative self-talk, and release their struggle with weight, food and body image.

It is a space where women want to learn to feel competent and comfortable in their bodies, and then empower and inspire other women and girls to do the same.  We are generational change agents, stepping out of society’s norm and standing strong in ourselves…as we are, while respecting and honoring our ‘here and now’ bodies.

Our mission is to

  • reject society’s thin ideal
  • say NO to diets, (and not buy in anymore!)
  • reduce bullying, weight stigmatization and body shaming,
  • help prevent disordered eating and deadly eating disorders.


Becoming a different kind of role model

After decades of diets and hundreds of years we, as a collective, have spent trying to change our bodies to fit in, It is time to stop.  It is time NOW to change this conversation around food, eating, weight, and body.

The Body Joyful Revolution exists so that

  • five-year old’s aren’t being called fat and kindergarten
  • eight-year old’s aren’t going on a diet (or put on a diet)
  • we’re not spending 60- 70- 80 years worried about our weight
    • degrading ourselves
    • going on and off diets
    • punishing ourselves

By becoming a different type of role model for our next generation, we can actually change our family’s legacies. Dieting and poor body image have been traveling down through family lines for long enough!  Enough is enough!

And we need YOU

Are you ready to help us?  GO here and request to join (yes, of course it is free!)


Here’s how you start

Once you request to join, we’ll admit you in!  Next…

  1. Post an Intro of yourself, so we can get to know a little about you. Something simple, like where you’re from. And one thing that you’d like us to know about you.
  2. Make sure to download the Body Joyful Womenfesto, Roadmap and the 5 secrets to food freedom and body confidence without dieting & restriction.
  3. After that go explore our feed! There are lots of great conversations and posts to read.

Whenever you are comfortable, feel free to comment on others posts, share an Aha, or post something that resonates with you and is part of our mission.  (Just remember to follow our guidelines)

I look forward to supporting you in this journey and looking forward to getting to know you.  Walk with a group of women who can make an impact in this world in a way that makes a difference.

Welcome to the Body Joyful Revolution Community.

Let’s make a difference.

See you in there and check back often to see what’s new.