An old client of mine used to send out a wonderful year-end holiday letter. It would always contain the adventures of her four-footed friends Timber and Josie, herself, and the states that she and her husband had “knocked off” their list.  

You see, after they had achieved the goal of climbing all of New Hampshire’s “4,000 footers”, they became antsy for another goal—one that involved the two of them and would be exciting and enjoyable to accomplish.

They decided it would be a fun and interesting way to see the country if they set a goal to visit and spend at least one night in each of the 50 states. They posted up a map of the United States in their den and the fun began. 

I always loved to receive this letter to see how their goal and vision was being lived, what states they had pinned, and what adventures they had in each state.

As we start this brand-new year, we tend to think about what it might contain, asking the question…I wonder how this year will go down?

How to make your dreams come true this year.

Do you realize that you have more power than you think over your own 2020 destiny and how you’ll make your dreams come true?

You can influence your 2020 more than you think. 

I have created a challenge for you.

We call it creating your own “Destination Postcard”. It can also be framed as your own year-end holiday letter. It’s a way to share with yourself how you want to feel, what you want to do, and what changes you want to make this coming year. 

As you know from our last blog, I am not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions, yet I am a fan of the power of thought and visualization.

That’s one reason I’m also a fan of journaling. Here are some of the other benefits of journaling. 

Are you willing to take a few minutes to “see and feel” your 2020? To actually visualize what it will feel and look like when you sit back with a cup of coffee on December 31, 2020 and reminisce about your past year?

It’s so easy for our days to slip by. Do you ever wonder where a week or month went as you pause long enough to think back? Isn’t it true that more often than not, you can’t even remember what you’ve done?

Without taking time to form intentions and think about what you want to do, feel, or experience, the likelihood of you doing, feeling, or experiencing anything at all disappear. 

An exercise in vision.

An exercise I do a lot is one involving talking out events, in present tense, that have yet to come. I talk about how a future event turned out, with embodied excitement and joy. It has helped me release any stress about an upcoming situation and enter it with calmness and confidence.  

I have also used it to play with my future and how I’ll make my dreams come true. For example, it’s how I started my book, planned a vacation, an adventure, a video series, and have filled my events.  

How to start.

  • I remember how…
  • I remember when…
  • It was so exciting to…
  • It felt so amazing to…

Here is an example of what I think about as I contemplate the end of 2020.

“I remember when I was so stuck in writing my book. So, I planned a long weekend away, and knocked out the whole outline. This year has completely changed the way I write and how I think about myself writing. The book is completed! And I am working with an editor now, to publish it. I am so proud of myself for accomplishing something that has been sitting on my bucket list for a few years now, and if feels amazing.” 

Or maybe something like this….

“It has felt so amazing to really start changing the way I see myself this year. I finally stopped beating myself up and have been accepting and actually appreciative of who I am! It has been the best year, I am treating myself better, enjoying more dancing and hiking, eating new and interesting foods that feel and taste good, and doing things I would not have dared to do before…I have so much more energy and confidence. It has been an amazing year.”

Speaking of treating yourself better, here are 3 of my favourite healthy habits for improving your relationship with yourself.

What would you like to do, feel, or experience this year? What might be on your bucket list? 

Take some time this week to sit down and write yourself an end-of-year holiday letter or destination postcard, outlining how you made your dreams come true. Write it as if you are dictating on December 31, 2020. Read it often, post it somewhere, or send it to yourself every month.  

I can’t wait to hear how your 2020 was. Mine has been fantastic. 

Looking for guidance to help make this your best year yet? Let’s talk. Click here to schedule your complimentary clarity session.

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